Our Vision
Sheep Origins and Life
The Dorper Sheep
Our Operation: An Overview
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We operate a mid-size ranch encompassing the following goals as our vision:


  • To embrace the potential the Dorper breed of sheep can provide in sustainable agriculture;

  • To provide an outstanding choice of genetics for lamb producers; both small and large

  • To promote American lamb consumption in the American diet

Our animals are rotated thru various pastures and are allowed to graze freely. The characteristic of the Dorper breed to graze non-selectively provides us an opportunity to effectively manage our natural resources and enhance forage quality. This approach also reduces our need for chemical inputs to control internal parasites.

In order to embrace our standards, we have set the bar high and continuously strive to improve our flock genetics. We are committed to producing functional high quality breeding animals. You can benefit from our experience. Contact us! We will work with you to help you begin in a new venture, improve your genetics and/or to help you optimize your sheep operation!

For 11 years, we carefully managed our flock to produce premium quality meat for restaurants and home cooks, with minimal chemical inputs and respect for animal life. Thousands of people have enjoyed our product, even those skeptical at first! We know it will be missed, but we closed this aspect of our business as of September 2015 due to the lack of a decent butcher house to do business with locally.